public art

Tooele Technical College Public Art Opportunity - Utah Public Art

The mission of Tooele Technical College is to provide rewarding, competency-based, affordable, and accessible career preparation for youth and adults to meet the needs of Utah employers. It concentrates on providing competency-based, flexible, affordable, high tech and focused workforce training for high wage jobs and complimentary services in an open-entry / open-exit environment.

Louisville, CO - Marshall Fire Commemoration

City of Louisville, Colorado

Budget: Up to $22,000

Deadline: Friday, October 28, 2022 11:59 PM MST

The Louisville Cultural Council of Louisville, Colorado seeks to commission an original art work to commemorate the Louisville, CO Marshall Fire that began on December 30, 2021. The sculpture must be an original creation by the artist(s) and must have a Louisville community participation or engagement component to it.

Utah Public Art - UofU Applied Sciences Facility

The Utah Public Art Program of the Division of Arts and Museums, in association with the Division of Facilities and Construction Management and the University of Utah is seeking artists interested in creating site specific art installation for the new Applied Sciences Facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. Artists from Utah are encouraged to submit letters of interest and qualifications for the creation of public artwork for the new Applied Sciences Facility at the University of Utah. This project is also open to any resident US artist. 

Budget: $165,000, deadline September 7, 2022

Erie Canal Bicentennial Public Art Installation, RFP

For Application Details and to applu Visit:

Please send any questions to:


Request for Proposals Erie Canal Bicentennial Public Art Installation Canalside, Buffalo NY

Issued: May 31, 2022

IMPORTANT NOTICE: A restricted period under the Procurement Lobbying Law is currently in effect for this Procurement and it will remain in effect until approval of the Contract. Bidders are prohibited from contact related to this procurement with any New York State employee other than the designated contacts listed below (refer to: Section X - ii).

City of Ocala Public Art Roster

The Cultural Arts and Sciences Division is currently accepting applications for the Public Art Roster.

McCall Public Library Integrated Artwork

Call to Artists: McCall Public Library Integrated Artwork
Deadline for Applications: Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Budget: $60,000
The City of McCall and McCall Public Library Board are seeking an artist or artist-team, 18 years or older and living within Idaho or one of its contiguous states, to work with designers and construction contractors to design, fabricate, and install artwork as a unique integrated or functional aspect of the upcoming 12,000 sq. ft. McCall Public Library Expansion Project. 


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