
Dexter Jones Award

The jury will determine the recipient based on an outstanding work of sculpture in bas-relief. The use of figurative or realist sculpture or sculpture that is inspired by nature, is of greatest interest. 


Applicants must have been born between 1982 – 2003.

Applicants must be citizens of or residents in the United States with a social security number.

Dexter Jones Award Residency

The NSS Dexter Jones Award Residency at Chesterwood, in Stockbridge, MA, will be given to an emerging sculptor working in bas-relief. The award is funded by an endowment in memory of Dexter Jones, past Fellow of National Sculpture Society. The residency will begin on Monday, June 1 – June 30, 2020.  ELIGIBILITY: sculptors born between 1980 – 2001 may apply. Candidates must be citizens of or residents in the United States with a social security number. Candidates must be available to live and work at Chesterwood in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts for the month of June 2020.  A car is essential for transportation around the region. 

Grants for Sculptors

National Sculpture Society has calls for three grants.  All applicants must be citizens of or residents in the United States with a social security number. Figurative, realist and animal sculpture is of greatest interest. 

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