
Cover Contest Theme : Surrealism

Marvelous Art Magazine is belong to Marvelous Art Gallery. We are now accepting art submissions for our first issue. Marvelous Art Magazine is now acceptingcover contest art about theme “Surrealism” for our first issue from April 20, 2019 – May 13, 2020.  This Issue asks writers and artists to create works that examine their surreal works. This issue will be publish in our website and social media accounts.

Artists are welcome to submit works in any medium: painting, drawing, writing, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, textile, installation, mixed media, digital, film (only jpg + link to video) etc. All visual art mediums are welcome.

Visual Art Guidelines

We will accept art in JPEG, PNG or TIFF formats.

Open Call for Art Magazine - Theme : Surrrealism

Marvelous Art Magazine is belong to Marvelous Art Gallery. We are now accepting art submissions for our first issue. There is no charge for this issue to submit your art. Marvelous Art Magazine is now accepting art and writing submissions with the theme “Surrealism” for our first issue from April 13, 2019 – May 13, 2020.  This Issue asks writers and artists to create works that examine their surreal works. This issue will be publish in our website and social media accounts.

Artists are welcome to submit works in any medium: painting, drawing, writing, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, textile, installation, mixed media, digital, film (only jpg + link to video) etc. All visual art mediums are welcome.

Visual Art Guidelines :

Strange Figurations 2019

Strange Figurations is an international, thematic group exhibition curated and hosted by the Limner Gallery. The exhibition is open to all interpretations of the concept, Strange Figurations, which would include surreal, visionary and generally all out of the ordinary figurative art. The show is open to all media, techniques and styles from realist to expressionistic. 72" maximum dimension. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery, September 5 - 28, 2019. Deadline June 30. Information

Art Exhibition 'Illusions'

A preview of paintings that are best seen live. Photos just don't do them justice!!!

27 April - 11 June 2018

Opening Reception: Friday 27 April 2018, 6 - 8 pm

Ryazanoff Gallery

117 Bridport Street

Albert Park  VIC  3206

Melbourne, Australia





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