
Epoché: Therapeutic Residency for Visual Artists - March 2018​

Epoché: Therapeutic Residency for Visual Artists – 1st – 29th March 2018

Music Therapy Podcast Needs You

Music Therapy podcast has the musical remedy for anything life brings you. If you'd like us to find the perfect song for your situation please get in touch. Just email us with some background about what's going on for you - you can use a fake name if you like - and we'll let you know if we can feature you on the show. It can be anything - good or bad. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you

Email:   Twitter: @musictherapyldn


Psychodynamic Support Group for Artists

The gift of creativity emerges from our choosing to express our deepest selves. Yet if one is inadequately cared for, rejected and inconsistently supported, it is likely there are narcissistic wounds that hinder one from fully owning and manifesting aspirations. Consequentially, these oppressive messages and shame based beliefs and fears can stymie creative expression. The inner critical voice of shame may incessantly remind one of the oppressive stultifying messages internalized throughout the years. It sends the message that you don’t have the right to be who you are, and accordingly, you don‘t have the right to express yourself creatively and authentically.

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