


Call for Exhibition │Free entry

Accepted media: Photography, Video, Digital Visual Design

Group Exhibition in Rome. June 2024


From the classical to the contemporary period and all throughout the history of art, mythology has inspired artists in their representation of universal ethical and moral values. Such values have accompanied the development of civilizations since ancient times.



switch 2023

The annual switch event will take place this year from 29th October - 5th of November 2023, in Nenagh, Co Tipperary, Ireland. 


switch locates itself outside of the big city and locates itself in the rhythm of a smaller place.

Inviting artists working with film / moving image / lens based Media, to consider an application for switch 2023 responding to the theme of Play.

switch began in 2008 showing eight works by eight artists in eight locations in Nenagh town centre. For the 15th edition of this event we are making again an open call to all artists working with film, lens based media and moving image to submit one work. 



Call for Exhibition │Free entry

Accepted media: Photography, Video

Group Exhibition in Rome. April 2024


"Metamorphosis” is the theme of the exhibit scheduled for April 2024.

Metamorphosis as process that manifests itself through mutation and change, as a process determined by the passage from one state to another, and finally as one that in the biological cycle coincides with the breath of nature. Metamorphosis is here a phenomenon that instills the perception of becoming; it is where the transience of the state of things contains the deepest meaning of existence.

SMCK On Reel video festival in Bucharest: Open call for submissions

SMCK On Reel reshapes aesthetics and promotional strategies at Romanian Jewelry Week. Three minutes of moving images can impregnate the mind of the viewer with the significance and uniqueness of the artist’s work more than thousand jewelry photos. The secret lies in the plot, and the visualization of the artist’s intimate world of phantasy.


Stories are remembered and retold, while unconnected images fade away. A reel, film or video is a row of moving images that build up a fascinating narrative worth watching. It is an eye-catcher.


SMCK On Reel attracts jewelry VIPs and customers, and creates a new space for promotional strategies. Videos are easy to produce, to present, to screen, to understand, and to love.


The WAE Open 2023

The WAE Open - 2023
Heidi Gallery at JSDD is proud to announce the juried group exhibition, The WAE Open. Founded in 2004, the WAE (Wellness, Arts, Enrichment) Center is a holistic, creative learning program for adults with developmental disabilities. Dedicated to 'Finding the Spark Within', WAE's focus is on personal growth and creativity in guiding each member to build a greater capacity to live a full life.

Established in 2021 as a key component of the state-of-the-art facility of JSDD, the Heidi Gallery is focused on bringing people together to experience art and arts education while fostering a fully inclusive community.


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