


Call for Exhibition

Accepted media: Photography, Digital Visual Design, Video

Group Exhibition in Rome or Milan city. May 2021


Language is a code, “a system of conventional symbols” that we use to communicate a message, an intention, a will, a wish, a desire, but also to share thoughts, ideas and to exchange opinions.

Language is variable, flexible possibly based on precise rules. It can be understood, misunderstood or it can cause barriers. It can be spoken, written, painted, reproduced, fragmented, or even destroyed.

This call would like to gather digital artworks, pictures and videos that are able to represent the multifaceted world of languages, their features and contradictions.

Deadline 7th February 2021

ArtAround Roswell Virtual Tour

RFQ - Virtual Tour Application

ArtAround Roswell Virtual Tour RFQ
Application deadline: September 28, 2020 – 

Program summary:

Roswell Arts Fund, with funding provided by the Fulton County Arts & Culture, seeks to partner with a creative videographer and producer to create a virtual experience of our public art collection.

The goal is to create a digital video(s) that focuses on large-scale public art sited by Roswell Arts Fund throughout Roswell, GA.

Open Call VI Festival Video nodoCCS 2020

In the words of writer Arundhati Roy, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine a new world. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. In these uncertain times, we all have a cultural, artistic and social function in our world, the best we can do for art and society is to put ourselves at its service and not use it to to our own benefit but, through poetic and political imagination, find answers and generate other relationship systems that are part of the solution and not the problem.



Open Call for photography or video projects on the topic of ‘Passion’. Free to Apply. Winners will receive equipment rental prizes from Wedio, get featured in ARTCONNECT Magazine and promoted extensively across both of our networks.

Creativity and passion go hand in hand. Passion fuels creativity and makes it possible for even the most challenging projects to succeed. In this call we would like you to submit a recent project that demonstrates what passion means to you. 

About Wedio:

ARTCONNECT is proud to partner with Wedio, the fastest-growing European sharing community for filmmakers and photographers. Wedio gives creators the opportunity to access their desired gear and financial flexibility in order to focus on their craft. 

Image Credit:

Open Call for Artist Round 48 July - September 2021


PILOTENKUECHE, Leipzig / Germany

ROUND48 July - September 2021


"PILOTENKUECHE" is an international art program based in Leipzig, Germany. The independent project is run by artists with the aim to support and empower artists.


Call for Submissions: Global Dance Video

On April 30th, 2020, Mark DeGarmo Dance hosted Virtual Dance for Dance to connect with its global communities and raise money for its year-round programming. After the video broadcast, MDD held an open dance party on Zoom…

Click here for the first Global Dance Circle video

To continue to connect with our global communities, MDD is now seeking submissions for our next “Global Dance Circle” video! Professional and recreational dancers are all invited to submit a clip. To be included in MDD’s next "Global Dance Circle" video.


Please include (where applicable): 

Your name, as you would like it to appear in the video


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