Views: 678
Sector: Education, Dance, Art
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Size: 11 - 50 employees
Address: Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing Imperial House 22-26 Paul Street London EC2A 4QE
Phone: 02073771577

- About -

The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) is one of the world’s leading dance examination boards. From Ballet to Ballroom, we have 11 dance faculties covering Theatre, Dancesport and Social Dance. We have provide training for dance teachers and examiners, enabling teachers to enter their students for examinations, develop new techniques and spread the joy of dance.
As a registered educational charity and membership association, the ISTD’s mission is to educate the public in the art of dancing in all its forms, to promote knowledge of dance, to provide up-to-date techniques for our members, and to maintain and improve teaching standards.