My Nature in Nature

My project consists of self portraits after I moved to the United States. I had this feeling of being on my own in everything I do in a totally new and different place. I had times when I had to do everything on my own as a consequence of living in a different system. This was sometimes hard and very tiring but there were times when it was really fun as well. I portray these different sides of myself and moods since I have been on my own. I shoot my photos in nature as a location a lot because nature is the place where I return to as a consequence of my feelings. That’s where I go when I feel alone, when I want to relax and it’s always the place where I enjoy myself. I feel a strong connection to it, both physically and spiritually. I use nature in my photos also as a symbol of the environment where I try to adapt myself. That is why with my body language in my photos, I sometimes mimic it or try to become a part of it while expressing my emotions. 

Melis Manav