
OPEN CALL | Young Art Critic Award Trieste Contemporanea

Young Art Critic Award
Trieste Contemporanea

To highlight the specific activity of art criticism by contemporary art curators, a call is open to young contemporary art curators by Trieste Contemporanea on the occasion of the 11th CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators.

Are you a young contemporary art curator? Are you under thirty-five years old and born in Central Eastern Europe? Do you want to be a speaker at the 11th CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators, which will take place during the vibrant international pre-opening days of the Venice Biennale?
Apply by sending Trieste Contemporanea your review of an art exhibition by March 24, 2024!

Call for Writers! Publish your work in a magazine!

Call for Writers!

Publish your work in a magazine!

We warmly invite you to participate in our open call for articles on culture for our magazine. Articles should have a minimum of 6000 characters, be written in English, and the topic can be anything – reviews, summaries, interviews, etc., related to cinema, literature, fashion, art, etc.


Simply email us your work and we will be in touch with you soon.


Submission deadline: March 15th. Join our creative community!

Broken Forms


Free entry│Call for Exhibition

Photographers are invited to submit 1 up to 3 photos addressing the theme.

Group Exhibition in Rome. November 2024


Fragments of matter or of an idea, broken and interrupted, or inter-ruptured, forms, disintegrated by human behavior or by nature, an action-effect that makes the nature of its composition and its existence even more concrete, manifesting its fragility and its ephemeral utilitarian and/or meaningful function.


Call for Artists - Art for Planet

Artists of all nationalities are invited to submit their works for the following categories:

Painting, Photography, Print, Illustration, Mixed Techniques, Video art, Digital art

The theme of the works is free.

However, works that focus on environmental issues, using recycled or reused materials for the works will be welcome, demonstrating how art itself can contribute to reducing environmental impact through sustainable practices by raising awareness on climate change.

Artists can choose between:

  • In-person exhibition of the work at the Association's exhibition space.

Milan Residency Fellowship Summer/Fall 2024

PigPrints, a printmaking studio based in Milan, invites printmakers working in intaglio and relief techniques to submit their work for its Summer/Fall 2024 Residency Fellowship

The purpose of this fellowship is to give an artist the possibility of spending a 2-week residency period in Milan to produce work in our printshop, while also having the opportunity to take time to enjoy the city’s rich culture. 

The selected artist will be awarded a full-funded two-week fellowship for a residency to take place between June and December 2024. The dates will be determined by the artist and PigPrints upon the studio availability.



March — July 2024


The syndicate of Transmedia Research Institute aims to investigate the post-organic framework in its 2024 endeavor. The seal of flesh that divided the human being from the physical and virtual stratifications of reality has been hacked, the boundaries between "human" and "machine", "natural" and "artificial" have lost all ontological value. 


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