
2024 International Interdisciplinary Art Conference (IIAC Seoul+)

The 2024 International Interdisciplinary Art Conference (IIAC Seoul+) aims to lead the international integration of art and design through various forms of innovative projects and collaborations that cross the boundaries of art and design under the theme of the Digital Bauhaus. Therefore, we are calling for innovative and diverse works and projects.

We invite you to participate and open new horizons in art and design. IIAC Seoul+ participants will be able to participate in a tour of Seoul's art-related spaces and attractions, as well as Pangyo Media Art Valley. One selected participant will receive a cash prize and support for their next exhibition.

Design Lab: Performing Arts

Calling for applications for residency and showcase! Join us at Studio 88 for an immersive journey into the world of performing arts between 15 July and 15 September 2024.

Collaboratively spearheaded by Studio 88 Artist Residency and the Len Yai Performance Project by Chiang Mai Design Week, the Design Lab: Performing Arts aims to empower performance practitioners by offering space, resources, and growth opportunities.

The Nature of Home: Taking Root in a Place

A Space Gallery is pleased to announce the open call for "The Nature of Home: Taking Root in a Place" aimed at sparking dialogue on the dynamic relationship between individuals and their environments. "Home" is redefined not as a static noun but as an active verb: the process of cultivating connections with places and people that shape our identities. Understanding the enduring relationship between self and place transforms "home" into "where you are at every moment." This profoundly Zen state arises from the mind's integration with the continuous flow of the universe, transcending the limitations of time and space. Are roots, or deep embeddedness, determined more by our physical and emotional origins than by the geographical location of our hometown?

Call for applications: Tirana Art Residency - Vila 31 x Art Explora, new residency programme in Albania

Art Explora Foundation develops its international programme of artists’ and researchers’ residencies with the launch of Tirana Art Residency – Vila 31 x Art Explora, a new programme in Albania whose first call for which the first call for applications is open until 5 June. 

Located at Vila 31, the former domicile of dictator Enver Hoxha, Tirana Art Residency – Vila 31 x Art Explora aims to extend the local dynamic of reopening and reappropriation by the public of this historical venue. The architectural project chosen to renovate Vila 31 has been entrusted to the NeM/Niney et Marca architects, who have sought to maintain a balance between the need to preserve the site and its problematic history and the need to create neutral spaces in which to rewrite new histories. 


Palmistry (手相), a traditional Chinese form of divination that provides mystical insights into an individual's fate and personality traits, analyzes the lines on the palms and fingers, symbolizing the left and right hands as Yin (阴) and Yang (阳)—energies analogous to the lunar and solar, darkness and light. Ursula K. Le Guin’s novel 'The Left Hand of Darkness' draws from similar thoughts in Taoism, encapsulated in the doctrine: “Light is the left hand of darkness, and darkness the right hand of light.

ART and NATURE Ionian Se-Art Residency in Italy (July 2024)


Multimedia Arts in Nature “Nature and Shamanic Cosmology”

Curated by Dores Sacquegna

Santa Caterina di Nardò and Porto Selvaggio Reserve Park, Italy

Primo Piano LivinGallery is pleased to announce the open call of NATURE AND SHAMANIC COSMOLOGY, for the III edition of Ionian Se-Art Residency Baroque Blue 2024, in Santa Caterina and Porto Selvaggio Reserve Park in South Italy.


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