Physical + Online

Abstract State Issue 2

Abstract State, is a brand-new art magazine based in New York.  We seek to collaborate with artists who will accompany us on our second issue.

Don't hesitate to send your artwork it doesn't cost anything, the submission fee applies if you are 'selected'.

Although there is no specific theme, we've affectionately named it 'Story Teller' Tell us your story!

To be eligible, artists must be 18 years old and above.

For submissions, kindly send an email to

Please include a brief bio/statement, ensuring each is under 300 words.

For the best representation, artists must ensure their images are of high quality, with a recommended resolution of at least 300 dpi in jpeg format.

The Holy Art Magazine: Apply Now

Be part of a unique printed and digital art magazine distributed across our physical galleries and popular pop up shows across the world. The digital version is distributed to tens of thousands of our subscribers!

The Holy Art Magazine is a printed and online directory of artists across the world, a powerful tool in the toolbox of emerging or more established artists to be seen in our physical locations across the globe and also online in the many thousands as part of our newsletters.

Pisa Murales Contest 2024




12 Finalists for 12 central Locations of World's most Famous City for 144 m² to assign + 6 cash prizes + exhibition & technical potential course benefits 


Officially supported by Pisa Municipality and Province 


6 cash Prizes


3 adult + 2 Kids categories


Free and Pisa's inspired themes


Permanent and Epheameral artworks of 12 m2


Exceptional 6 members Jury of Famous Street artists, Curators and Painters


Plenty of Workshops by veteran street artists from Rome, Milano and other cities


CiW 9: Epoché

International Open Call for entries addressed to visual artists for their participation in a curated  exhibition of contemporary watercolor art organized in Athens. The exhibition is part of the COLOR IN WATER (CiW) series of events to promote artists using these media of expression, and will include artists from around the world showcasing the potential of the medium today. 

The official languages ​​of the exhibition are Greek and English, and a commemorative catalog-book will be issued in digital format in both languages. The exhibition will also be available internationally online through the ARTgrID platform.

Oculi Inquisitivi: Inquiring Eyes in the Urban Shadows

Open Call for visual artists to submit their artworks for participation in an international curated exhibition to be held in Athens next June by the Luminous Eye Gallery (Acropolis area, Athens, Greece). The official languages of the exhibition are Greek and English, and a commemorative catalog – book will be published in digital format in both languages. The exhibition will also be available internationally online via the ARTgrID platform.

Open Call /imagine...Digital Soul Silicon Valley International Digital Art Exhibit

Digital Soul


ArtX Gallery, founded in the technological heart of Silicon Valley, invites artists to join the "Digital Soul" exhibition. And it will be part of GenAI Summit with Microsoft as an anchor sponsor, expecting around 10,000 visitors daily. This event challenges you to envision and interpret the nature of a digital soul through your unique artistic lens.


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