
Call out for 16-25’s: Electric Storm

Create your own ‘Electric Storm’ on this 5-day residency for adventurous music creators, producers, sound designers and digital artists.

Aimed at women and non-binary people as part of our gender equality programme Both Sides Now, this is a unique opportunity to push your creative boundaries, develop your technical skills and collaborate with like-minded artists. 

This project marks the 50th anniversary of an album called ‘An Electric Storm’ by White Noise, a group which featured Delia Derbyshire, an early pioneer of electronic music. Best known for her iconic realisation of the Dr Who theme tune, Delia produced music way ahead of her time, even after being told by Decca Records in 1957 that the recording studio was “no place for a woman”.

Playing for Time - call out for 13-18's

We’re looking for one individual or group aged 13-18 to create a brand new piece of music in response to the current climate emergency. 

As part of the project you’ll receive a budget of £200, support from a professional musician, and the opportunity to record your work and perform it live. 

The theme

“We are right now at the beginning of a climate and ecological crisis. Now is not the time for speaking politely. Now is the time to speak clearly. We need to call it what it is: an emergency.”
Greta Thunberg

How Music Works with Sofia Ilyas, Zoe Mc Pherson, Nick Luscombe, Daisy Moon, Tony Morley, Richard Brown, Lisa Meyer, Jennifer Lucy Allan, Trevor Heath, Luke Owen And Fielding Hope

CAMP is a residential arts facility in the French Pyrenees. It's a place where great art is made, new movements are formed, new ideas are explored and groundbreaking people are nurtured. CAMP is located in Aulus les Bains, the last village before the France/Spain Pyrenean frontier chain. The location is spectacular - we are nestled at 750m above sea level, surrounded by snowcapped peaks over 3000m high, ancient forests and cascading waterfalls. There are eagles, lammergeiers, vultures, ibex and bears. Walk out of the residency, and within ten minutes you are completely alone in one of the most beautiful mountain landscapes in Europe.

2019 Byrdcliffe Artist-in-Residence Opportunities for Writers and Musicians


Application Deadline: Feb 15, 2019

Session 01: Thursday, May 30 – Monday, June 24, 2019

Session 02: Thursday, June 27 – Monday, July 22, 2019

Session 03: Thursday, August 8 – Monday, September 2, 2019

Session 04: Thursday, September 5 – Monday, September 30, 2019

Applications only accepted through Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild’s Submittable site

Byrdcliffe welcomes Artists-in-Residence for 2019 in the areas of Writing, Music Composition, and Playwriting/Screenwriting (details below).

'Creature', a collaborative songbook

Mob-Handed Press is a series of collaborative songbooks created by selected musicians around a central theme. Artists contribute one song each, which are then anthologised into a zine. This publication is launched with a night of performance and storytelling.

It is a communication between artist and audience, and an exploration of how people visualise the music that they write, perform, and consume.

Issue Three of Mob-Handed Press will be entitled, 'Creature':


Creatures of habit,
Uncontrollable beasts,
The ones within…
And the ones without.

OPEN CALL for New Short Film or Audio for ArtSwarm, theme: South America

ArtSwarm is a fortnightly video and audio art programme for YouTube featuring only new, original content created by artists.

We need new content to broadcast each episode and are calling for new video or audio pieces to play of any sort, from experimental works to animation, poetry, drama, music or soundscapes, or anything creative. The main criteria is that work must be new, not shared online or previously published, and available for free public broadcast. You can find terms and full details here:

Episodes have an optional theme. The theme for Episode 19 is South America, and the deadline is 12pm on Sunday December 2nd.


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