
Poet Laureate - Call for Artists





The City of El Segundo ("City”) Cultural Development Program ("ESCDP” or “Program”) seeks applications from interested and qualified Artists to provide literary art services for its Poet Laureate initiative. The Artist selected through this competitive selection process would become El Segundo’s Poet Laureate.


Poetry & Collage Residency 2024

In January 2022, Kolaj Institute issued a call to artists for a Poetry & Collage Residency and received so many excellent responses that we organized a series of three residencies. In the residencies, we challenged artists to move beyond taxonomical debates. Ric Kasini Kadour said, “What is a poem? We do not need to have a singular answer to that question. Individually we must each answer that question for ourselves. In practice, every poem we make will be an example of what a poem is. In considering other people’s work, we should ask ourselves, How is this a poem?” During the residencies, artists interrogated each other’s artwork, collaborated, and shared ideas. And at the end of it, they sent us more page spreads than could fit into a single book.

Woman Scream Festival 2024 Call for Volunteer Events Coordinators

For over a decade, the Woman Scream (Grito de Mujer) cause has spread its message of hope around the world, getting hundreds of people, groups and solidarity institutions involved in the social mission of becoming emissaries of those women who suffer or have suffered different forms of violence, through the celebration of socio-cultural events where the main goal has been raising awareness among the population about this serious issue, uniting all kinds of arts.

2024 Poetry Residency

Call for Poets!

In recognition of the 28th anniversary of National Poetry Month in April 2024, Bethany Arts Community (BAC) in Ossining, NY is offering its fourth annual residency focused on poetry.

Literary Arts Thematic: Form & Constraint - Spring 2024

Pictured: Program faculty - Daniel Levin Becker (left) and Ian Williams (right). 

Banff Centre’s Form and Constraint Residency focuses on authors of fiction and poetry who use form and constrained forms – rhyme, metrics, Oulipian constraints - to create opportunities for new and unfettered expression.

This self-directed residency offers the opportunity to work away from the concerns of everyday life. Delve deep into your creative project and take advantage of the artistic community of your peers around you. This residency provides opportunities for consultations with mentors, readings, and optional group sessions led by guest mentors that allow creators to explore techniques, aspects, and devices that you may find useful in your practice.

The Artists Forum Juried Arts Competition

THE ARTISTS FORUM invites artists to showcase interpretations for the phrase: Techno-Feudalism. Techno-feudalism, a recently coined term by Greek economist and politician Yanis Vaoufakis, is the transformation of capitalism by tech platforms, done by exploiting the labor force through new technologies.

An example of this concept would be companies hiring people to work from home or through and app, but not paying for employees computers, car repairs, or the infrastructure needed to perform their work.

An expansion on this concept covers the manipulating of media to better serve a political agenda, such as running bots on niche topics that create a sense of divisiveness or political unease.


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