
VeniceLands ArtPrize

Submissions are now open for the VeniceLands ArtPrize.

Free submission | No entry fee for selected artists

Deadline: March 7th, 2019

The VeniceLands ArtPrize is an International Contemporary Art Prize that has a related Exhibition held annually in the Province of Treviso. This first edition will be held in May 2019.

ArteVisione 2018

Un progetto a sostegno del talento creativo
un premio di produzione per artisti under 40
un workshop con professionisti di fama internazionale 

ArteVisione è un progetto ideato da Careof con l’obiettivo di offrire opportunità di crescita personale e professionale ad artisti under 40 attraverso la produzione di un’opera video e la partecipazione a un workshop con esperti del settore. Il concorso ammette proposte artistiche di qualsiasi genere e tematica inedite o nella prima fase di realizzazione.

Lab.11 art contest

Lab.11 art contest, is a call for submissions open to all kind of artists. Works allowed in the art competition are: drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, graphics, mix media and video. A great opportunity for the artists, which can win a cash prize, have the opportunity to exhibit the artworks in Venice and much more.

PRIZES (total prizes value 5000,00€):

- a collaboration award for a new Malamegi collection

- artwork acquisition award

- a cash prize of 1,000 Euros

- a monographic book prize

The following types of works are admitted: Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Mixed media, Digital, Video, Graphics, Net art, other (all visual works that can be reproduced through a picture are allowed).

INTRO. Con Valentina Elena Guerrini

Venerdì 28 settembre alle ore 18.30 la Galleria Milan Art & Events Center ospita INTRO, progetto a cura di Laurentiu Craioveanu che presenterà al pubblico l’artista Valentina Elena Guerrini.

Valentina Elena  Guerrini  ha studiato scultura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. Realizza opere scultoree e installative  che prendono forma  con  la fotografia digitale, il video e la performance. L’artista attraverso questa sperimentazione indaga  nuovi  percorsi di senso. In questa INTRO verranno proposte tre opere recenti esemplificative della sua produzione artistica:

   “Paesaggi delle sussistenze:  accumulazioni”  -  video loop

   “Paesaggio delle sussistenze #1”  -   stampa fotografica

   “Untitled”  -  fotografia documento

MiraBanART Showcase

Welcome to MiraBanART Showcase, 
an alternative, itinerary Contemporary Art Exhibition running in Italy from July till November 2018. 
MiraBanART Showcase aims to reinvent the way we enjoy art exhibitions by combining an interactive artistic space with a traditionally contemplative one.

That is why, we welcome the following artworks in our exhibitions:

- Paintings (Acrylics, Oil on Canvas, Mixed Media)
- Digital Photography 
- Video Art

- Installation (Sculpture, Mixed Media)



More Info:

Post 20052

AUTENTICA UNCONVENTIONAL ART FAIR is the new independent fair of contemporary art which will take place in Verona from the 8th to the 10th of June with the purpose of creating space for artistic and cultural realities  feeding on restless research and experimenting new forms of expression. The fair is born of a careful analysis of the Italian exhibiting scenery and so of the awareness that an independent artistic-cultural “container”(important and international) in Veneto during the month of June has been missing. It is so a well-targeted and no means  random choice, which will give collectors, experts in the field, art and culture  lovers, the chance to experience and share a new artistic, cultural and trade proposal. AUTENTICA UNCONVENTIONAL FAIR desires to become a concrete cultural


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