Long Beach

Reflections: How Does It Feel?


In partnership with LA River Arts, we are putting together a zine and performance on the topics of ecology, social justice, and climate change. We are looking for Southern California-based community members to take part in this paid project by contributing art, music, writing, poetry, theater, stories, etc. Please submit and share!

More Info: https://lariverarts.org/reflections

Submission form: https://forms.gle/bSBDkMZpxzhV8dbr9

Artwalk Magazine 2022 Call For Art

ArtWalkMagazine.com/2022-call-for-art is now accepting artist/artwork submissions for ArtWalk Magazine Issue 03. Open to anyone international that is 18 years of age or older.

Provide up to 3 images of your work.  There are no material, aesthetic, or conceptual restrictions.



Accepted submissions will have their art shown in issue 03 of Artwalk Magazine both digital and print versions.

Blur Art Call

Movement in visual art is actually very hard to depict. Motion is not something given to the flat medium. However, when we are able to represent motion it tends to blur or flutter. Our human brains can interpret it in a visceral way, sweetly. In this art call please create motion, blur, or gesture to show the challenge of movement.

Art calls are open to all local, domestic, national and international professional and amateur artists. All art mediums will be considered in this call for submissions, from photography, wall sculpture, ceramics, fabric, mixed media, all paintings and drawings including, oil, acrylic, pastels, ink, graphite, etc.

Cost: $35 for 3 entries, $5 for additional entries.

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