
30 x 30 2020

30 pieces in 30 days

The 30×30 show is a great way to explore any theme or style by creating one panel that displays 30 works that are 6 inches by 6 inches each, or 3 dimensional work that is no bigger than 6 x 6 x 6 inches. We cannot accommodate any 3 dimensional artwork unless on the wall on a board. Use the 30-day work period restraint to challenge yourself to create constantly. Each piece will be sold individually, giving viewers the unique opportunity to take home artwork that they may not be able to afford otherwise. So, do you accept our challenge?

Escape Reality: Video Game Art

Narrative, character development, choreography, illustration, set design, music, and cinematography all play a role in the creation of a video game. So is a video game art or entertainment? Can it be both?

Whether you’re a fan of old school pixels or emerging tech, the Video Game Art show is the perfect place to showcase your love for virtual worlds. Show us your elevated fan art or showcase a video game of your own design. If you have a playable game, we would love to allow people to try it out. Please use the application to submit screenshots from the game. We are looking for any medium, but submissions must be fine art. In the interest of being open to new media, we ask you to define “fine art” at your own discretion.

Politically Charged

This show will be exhibited in the midst of the 2020 presidential elections, a time when it will more important than ever to make space for productive discussion about the future of our country. So although it’s normally a taboo, we’re inviting you to talk politics. Voice your comments, questions, concerns, or support through your work in any medium. We don’t care if you’re left, right, center, or anarchist – we welcome any and all political opinions.

Politically Charged Solo Show

The Solo Exhibition Open Call gives artists the opportunity to present 10-14 pieces in the Feature Foyer Gallery. Our Feature Foyer faces our front window and provides a great opportunity to gain exposure. We are looking for politically charged work in any medium.

Off Center 2020

Since the first ceramics were created, like Venus of Dolní Věstonice, before 25,000 BCE and pottery vessels that were discovered in Jiangxi, China, which date back to 18,000 BC, people have been fascinated with clay. Northern California has a rich history of talented ceramic artists from Rob Arneson to Manuel Neri.  Blue Line Arts is excited to showcase the innovation of ceramic techniques and vision from around the world during this annual show.  Ceramic artists who want to share their vision of ceramic art are encouraged to apply. 

Life in Ink: Contemporary Tattoo Culture

Humans have decorated their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years. The meanings of these tattoos vary greatly across cultures-- displays of social rankings, punishment for criminals, expressions of spirituality, celebrating achievements in life and war, and simple statements of fashion. It is a form of expression that connects us across cultures, languages, and belief systems.
This exhibition is intended to showcase the infinite possibilities of tattoo art in all of its forms and styles. Express your individualism and creativity by translating body art to fine art. From flash sheets to fully-realized paintings, photographic documentation to three-dimensional representation, we want to see the unique ways in which you express your Life in Ink.


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