
Call for German speaking curators! // Ausschreibung Kurationsstipendium 2025

Die Akademie Schloss Solitude vergibt drei Stipendien an Nachwuchskurator*innen. Die Schwerpunkte der Kurationsstipendien liegen auf der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von internem und öffentlichem Programm und dessen Vermittlung und Diskurs. Damit erhalten Nachwuchskurator*innen die Gelegenheit, die eigene Praxis im Dialog mit internationalen Stipendiat*innen an der Akademie weiterzuentwickeln, das eigene Netzwerk auszubauen und den Begriff des Kuratierens zu öffnen und zu erweitern.

CURRENT: Art in Public Space Festival 2025

The third edition of CURRENT – Art and Urban Space will take place from 26 June to 27 July 2025, inviting artists and artist groups to propose new works for the urban space that explore the theme of ‘Air’ in all its social, political, ecological, and material dimensions.

CURRENT – Art in Public Space is a transdisciplinary festival held in Stuttgart every two years. By developing exemplary formats, CURRENT experimentally explores artistic forms, strategies and practices contextualised in the city.

Call for Applications for Fellowships 2024–2026

Akademie Schloss Solitude’s wide-ranging fellowship program promotes the interrelationship of art and science across all disciplines and fields of practice. Its unique model affords artists and scientists valuable freedom to develop their work and perform research in both a physical and digital context. Residencies at Akademie Schloss Solitude enable fellows to devote themselves to their research projects under favorable material and intellectual conditions. For the 19th time, around 65 residencies of six to twelve months will be awarded. 

Call for Web Residencies No. 19 »Algorithmic Poetry.«

For the nineteenth call for web residencies, Akademie Schloss Solitude’s Digital Solitude program is collaborating closely with Liquid Architecture. The Naarm (Melbourne)–based art organization Liquid Architecture supports radical interdisciplinary experimentations offering a platform for artists working with sound – from our everyday data-driven world to the dissonant, beat-driven resonant sounds that defy definition.

The Solitude Fellowship

Akademie Schloss Solitude is happy to announce the start of the call for applications for its international and transdisciplinary artist-in-residence-program. The call for approximately 65 residency fellowships of six to twelve months in duration runs from September 1 to November 30, 2021.

»Under Utopia – A praxis in beginning to stop resisting to begin by carrying on as before«

Fellowship Call »Under Utopia – A praxis in beginning to stop resisting to begin by carrying on as before«


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