
Torino Fringe Festival 11 (16—28 May 2023)

This call to take part in the Torino Fringe Festival 11, that will take place between 16 and the 28 May, is already open. You can send us your proposals for 3 categories (INDOOR, OUTDOOR, SPECIAL) of theatre, audiovisual, performance, music, dance, circus, stand-up comedy, or any other performance genius that comes to mind up until 31 October 2022.
To apply for this call you must consult these guidelines, sign up and complete the application form with the dates of your proposed activity. Links can be found on www.tofringe.it

Iosonotheplace Vol.II

OPEN CALL - iosonotheplace Vol. II

We are opening a new Open Call!

For the next event we will set up a large exhibition that will host the works of dozens of artists.

Applications open today!

The rules are as follows:

The call is aimed at young photographers and graphic designers

You can send a maximum of 5 works each with name and surname, title of the works, any print sizes (50x70, 60x90, 90x200 cm) to the email: theplace.collab@gmail.com

Since we could involve more than 150 works, the exhibition does not have a predefined theme.

Food Wave | Every food is a landscape

OPEN CALL for young artists (under 35 years of age)

In the framework of the project Food Wave, BJCEM has launched an open call for artists. 

Exhibition in Turin

Are you a photographer or a graphic designer? We are organizing an exhibition in Turin, Italy! Submit your work to theplace.collab@gmail.com

We accept a maximum of 5 photos / posters for participant.
Deadline: November 5


Send your quarantine art.
If selected you will be part of the first digital edition no profit of "QuarantineMag”. You will receive the magazine by email.
We accept: digital art, poster, photography, visual art (NO paintings), skatchbook, poems and quarantine stories. Send your bio or artist statement.
The call will end on May 20th, mark the date!
I can't wait to receive your works!
Stay home, stay safe.

Share Prize XIII Edition

The XV edition of Share Festival, the Italian exhibition of contemporary tech art and science, lead by the Artistic Director Bruce Sterling, announces the opening of the call. The theme of this edition of Share Prize is:






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