Call for Artists


This is a virtual exhibition where artists from all over the world will present their work.

We invite you to participate in this virtual exhibition and share your creations.

The goal of this biennale is to make a wish for oneself on an art object. Important condition: This wish must be for an art object you have created, such as a ceramic piece, painting, installation, sculpture, or other art object. Turn on your imagination and wish for the most unusual things!

We are looking forward to your work!

The exhibition will be featured on our YouTube channel “IAVPOA ART” where viewers will be invited to vote for three artworks they like the most.

The work that receives the most votes will be awarded the digital certificate of excellence.

Exchange Station : Catalogue Publication & Online Exhibit

No application or registration fees. Up to six best in show artists will have their work published with a critical review in the Artist Feature Catalogue. Artists participating in the online exhibit will have two works of art on display and links to their website and social media. Artists keep 100% sales of their work.

You can apply for online exhibits by emailing us at

How to apply:

Email your resume, 3 image samples, and artist website.

Artist Feature Catalogue articles are published on our website at and on our Substack page at

AFA does not accept applications of works made with artificial intelligence.

Lumen Festival

CALLING ALL ARTISTS! Applications are open to join Lumen, the City of Waterloo’s annual festival of light, art, and technology-based installations.

This years festival will take place on Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 6-11PM throughout uptown Waterloo, Ontario.

All work will feature the interplay between light, art, and technology and should include an interactive, collaborative, or participatory component. Up to ten artists will be selected as part of this open call and will receive a fee of $2,000 (inclusive of all artist fees, transportation, supplies, etc) for their participation in the festival.

Application Deadline: May 4, 2024 by 5PM

Find out more or apply today:

32nd Annual Emerald Coast National Juried Art Exhibition

The Emerald Coast National (ECN) is a juried exhibition held annually at Mattie Kelly Art Center Galleries, Northwest Florida State College. What began as a regional show has evolved into far-reaching, exciting programming of a range of media styles by emerging to established artists reflecting what they are doing in the world today. ECN is a show that people travel to see and a program that locals look forward to all year! We leave the theme open and publicize the call on known artist platforms. We invite all art styles, materials, mediums, etc.—including sound art, kinetic art, sculpture, photography, video, design, craft, and even performance if you can provide documentation for the application.


For our Artist in Residence Programme 2025, we are looking for artists who explore the theme of generations in their work, and who challenge and rethink social beliefs.

The Villa Sonnenberg Foundation's Open Call «InterGeneration» is addressed to professional artists of all disciplines with a project proposal that has the potential to question existing concepts about generations, to create new approaches and to appeal to people of different age groups and inspire them to participate.

Studio residencies at Villa Sonnenberg usually last three months:

The WAE Open 2024

The WAE Open is not thematic; rather, the exhibition seeks to showcase the highest quality visual art being made by established, emerging, and underrepresented artists.


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