Call for Artists

Textures, Forms, Patterns or Shapes

Call for Art - Textures, Forms, Patterns or Shapes
Online Exhibition

Submission Deadline: July 25, 2021
Exhibition: August 5 - 28, 2021
Commission: 65% Artist, 35% Gallery

This online exhibition is open theme and all local, national, and international artists are encouraged to apply. Submissions for this show can be representational or abstract using any textures, patterns, shapes of forms.

Acceptable mediums include: Acrylic, Airbrush, Charcoal, Collage, Color Pencil, Computer Art, Digital Art, Digital Photography, Drawings, Encaustic, Fiber Arts, Glass Art, Graphite, Illustration, Mixed Media, New Media, Oil, Pastel, Pen and Ink, Photo Assemblage, Printmaking, Sculpture, Traditional Photography, Video, Watercolor.​

Kathmandu international artists in residency (KIAR 2022)

Space A is a significant hub in the field of contemporary art both locally and internationally. The goal of the KIAR is to create an intellectual space where the residents will get the chance to penetrate the local cultural and socio-political contexts, as well as to combine their artistic practices (research, production, etc.) with meetings, lectures, and other discursive events with local and international artists, cultural experts, critics, and curators. Kathmandu is surrounded by a valley full of historic sites, ancient temples, shrines, and fascinating villages. KIAR is an opportunity to travel back in time and to relive in history as well as experience natural beauty. we are going to organize a one-month-long residency (30 days) and two months long residency (60 days).

19th “Solo Art Series” – Online Solo Art Exhibition Opportunity

Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces its 19th “Solo Art Series” Online Art Competition.  This competition will result in an award of 4 monthly solo art exhibitions.  In addition, the gallery will award the next 8 juried artists to be featured in the gallery’s Artist Showcase Section.

The gallery invites online submission of all 2D and 3D art (including photography) from artists around the world for possible selection for one the Gallery’s monthly solo art exhibitions or into the gallery’s Artist Showcase.

The gallery encourages artists regardless of where they reside to submit their best abstract and/or representational art to this competition. 

There is No Theme for this Art Competition.

Femme Vitale

Wavelength Space is an artist-run gallery in the heart of downtown Chattanooga, TN showing contemporary work by emerging to mid-career artists from around the U.S. Wavelength Space (in Chattanooga, TN) invites artists and makers to submit works for Femme Vitale, a show celebrating and recognizing myriad forms of the body, feminine experience, women’s stories, struggles, strengths, and transformations: coming-of-age, into new identities or life roles, into motherhood, out of youth, into age and time. We are looking for a diverse range of
perspectives/points of view/expressions of these topics so artists of any identity should apply. Open to all media. 

5th Annual "Patterns, Textures & Forms" Online Art Competition

Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery’s 5th Annual “Patterns, Textures & Forms” Online Juried Art Competition for the month of August 2021.  The gallery invites all 2D and 3D artists (including photography and digital arts) from around the world to make online submissions for possible inclusion in the Gallery’s September 2021 online group art exhibition.   

The gallery encourages entries from artists (including photography & digital arts), regardless of where they reside, to apply to this competition by submitting their best interpretation of the “Patterns, Textures & Forms” theme. Artists are invited to submit their best representational or abstract art. 

CUVO Videoart Festival - OPEN CALL 2021

Once again, the itinerant videoart festival, CUVO, launches its call to make a selection of the eight most innovative audiovisual creations at an international level.

Since its outset, CUVO has aimed to give a wide and transversal gaze about the problems of our present through contemporary art.

For this sixth edition we want to ponder about how the idea of paradise has changed in the times we live in. Has it definitely disappeared? Or we can still design new liquid typologies from which to configure a new idea of community.

We are open to receive any type of videocreation, regardless of its technique and genre.


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