Call for Artists

Wild & Tamed Juried Art Competition


The Blue Koi Gallery would like to welcome you to the International “Wild and Tamed” Art Competition. This online competition is all about the interplay of wild and tamed elements in our world. Submissions may range from untamed landscapes and fierce wildlife to serene domestic cultivated gardens. Artists can use different mediums like paintings, sculptures, digital art, prints, photos, and mixed Media art to create their vision. Join us in unraveling the intricate interplay between the wild and the tamed.

Auditions for The Exonerated

GovState Theatre and Performance Studies presents... The Exonerated by Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen

Directed by Patrick Santoro

Performance dates: April 4 - 7 at Governors State University's Sherman Hall



The Exonerated combines first-person narrative with letters, transcripts, case files, and legal records to tell the stories of six wrongfully convicted survivors of death row: Delbert Tibbs, Kerry Max Cook, Gary Gauger, David Keaton, Robert Earl Hayes and Sunny Jacobs, and their paths to freedom.

artspace bremerhaven 2024

The interdisciplinary artspace bremerhaven opens the doors in the “Alte Bürger” for art and culture of all disciplines. Artspace bremerhaven turns streets, workshops, galleries, halls, studios, apartments, commercial spaces and vacant lots into a stage, a screen and a resonance space for art. We invite regional, national and international artists to perform in unusual places, show us their ideas, their art and their enthusiasm.
The artists are called upon to conquer new art spaces. The concept is very simple. Shortly beforehand you will be assigned a current vacancy, which you can use then with your art. Your challenge: Make the room your special art space!

Calling Women Artists - International Women’s Day Exhibition

CasildART invites women artist  to submit their work for an upcoming art exhibition to celebrate International Women’s Day in March. It will take the form of an ‘art salon’ and will be held in our new, permanent gallery in London. The exhibition will provide a platform for women from diverse backgrounds to showcase their work, in line with this year's International Women's Day theme of "Inspire Inclusion". As part of the exhibition, we will be hosting a preview event where you can socialise, network, and view wonderful art.


ON DURATION is a programme conceived by artist and performance artist Reagan Truax, PhD. It is designed to take place in a range of locations. Its intention is to encourage creative research and work in context by facilitating spaces for durational artists. ON DURATION invites us to explore temporality as a primary material for artistic creation and to question our relationship to time and to those systems designed to measure it in the wake of oppressive systems.

Find detailed information, terms and conditions of this call at:     

Columbia Festival of the Arts’ Invitational Fine Arts & Crafts Show 2024

Columbia Festival of the Arts’ LakeFest event is returning to the Columbia Lakefront June 14-16, 2024 for a spectacular celebration. Included in this not-to-be-missed free outdoor weekend is our Invitational Fine Arts & Crafts Show along with the live performances from national, regional and local artists on the LakeStage, interactive children’s activities, festival foods, and fun for the entire family!


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