Call for Submissions

Open call for Eco and social artists /Podcast Interview


Insights of an Eco Artist is a podcast with news and insights about the art world and Eco and social artists thriving in it. Season two submissions are now open for artists working within the themes of climate action and social justice.


- Artists and writers whose work is focused on eco and social issues are welcome to submit their work. All techniques are welcome.

- Artists from all countries are welcome to submit.


Podcast interview featured on every major streaming platform.

Open Call for the 16th Busan International Video Art Festival

Call for submissions are now open for the 16th Busan International Video Art Festival.


BIVAF mainly introduces video artworks that deal with contemporary social issues. In particular, we plan to invite works on post-Soviet spaces and cities this year, and we would like to select works that can be presented together through the open call. The submissions are open from 1 to 20 August. For details, please refer to the guidelines below. You can also find the guidelines and Google Forms link on our website and Facebook.


Thank you for your interest.


Submission link(**Google Forms**):


Open call : Win a Fully Funded Residency & Exhibition Summer 2023

The Boynes Emerging Artist Award, an international artist-run art competition, is excited to announce its new partnership for the 7th Edition with Rural Residency for Contemporary Art (RUC), an art residency based in the Valcamonica Valley in the Italian Alps. This partnership will provide the 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place winners of this edition with the opportunity to participate in a month-long fully-funded artist residency where they will be able to reconnect with nature and their art, explore the mountains, history, culture, and nature of Valcamonica while enjoying the idyllic beauty and quiet of the mountains at villa RUC. As Italy’s first UNESCO world heritage site for its prehistoric rock engravings, the valley and surrounding mountains are rich with beauty and history.

Open Call - Duende Issue 2

Independent Zine by Meraki Vagary which will be available to purchase online.

A collective response to the brief:

'Pocket Museum'

As children we adventured and explored the land around us, collecting items that would fit in our pockets; reminders of the fun we'd had. Following a frog as it jumped along, or watching a bee buzz around a flower, whiling away our days looking under rocks and picking fruit and berries. Each of us considers different objects worthy of being included in a museum. What item/s would be featured in your pocket museum?

- Any medium of art is accepted in photo form


- Please email submissions to 

Open call for the issue 10 of Panel

The submission period for the issue #10 (Winter 2022/23) is OPEN.

Send your best writing and art for the anniversary issue of Panel. 

Deadline - October 1, 2022.

Writers and artists may be of any origin but should live and work in Central and Eastern Europe, including the Baltic States, Germany/Austria/Switzerland, and the South Caucasus. We prefer submissions that reflect the environment in which they are written.

If you don't live in the region, but have written a piece related to Central and Eastern Europe, feel free to submit it. PLEASE NOTE: If you don't live in the region and don't write about the region, Panel is not a good fit for your piece. 

Artmagazineium August 2022 Issue 18

Artmagazineium started out as a monthly printed and digital Art & Culture Magazine, founded by Artists and Magazine founders. Artmagazineium invites readers to create a new utopia with original content and High Culture Art. Our aim is to bring innovations and successful artists in the field of Contemporary Art together with all art lovers.

Artmagazineium showcases a mix of admirable artworks from around the world, New Contemporary Art and also emerging and distinguished artists.

Artmagazineium is internationally as Print Magazine and digital magazine and is distributed worldwide. Our magazine is put up for sale in cooperation with our Website, Social Media accounts and Galleries.


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