
Biennale di Milano

The Milan Biennale 2023 is curated by renowned Italian curator Salvo Nugnes, famous Italian art critic and historian Vittorio Sgarbi as the curatorial consultant, and A60 International Art as the special partner of the Milan Biennale in charge of the promotion and on-site work of Chinese artists. After several rounds of consideration and discussion by the curatorial team, more than 300 artists from 50 countries were finally selected to participate in this year's Milan Biennale.

And They Lived Sadly Ever After

Collettiva degli artisti emergenti Hamish Chapman, Holly Halkes, Ray Hwang, Tiange Yu. Le loro opere sono accomunate da uno spirito umoristico con cui affrontare le vicessitudini quotidiane. La risposta alle aspettative proposta da questa mostra è l’umorismo. Prendere la vita più alla leggera e di traverso, guardando le cose dal loro lato comico può liberarci dal macigno delle aspettative insoddisfatte. Umorismo e ironia, inoltre, sono potenti tool comunicativi, che ci permettono di accettare e assimilare la realtà. Forse è vero che una risata salverà il mondo. Il mio consiglio?

Figures, Interiors and Landscapes

Figures, Interiors and Landscapes

Works by Emanuele Gregolin from 1990 to 2022



Renewed within the spaces of A60 Contemporary Art Space Milano is the exhibition entitled Skyline now in its second edition. 

La Vita dell'Arte ed.III

The third edition of the exhibition La Vita dell’Arte is renewed within the spaces of A60 Contemporary Art Space in Milan.


Skyline collects the work of artists coming not only from very different places but also from distant historical periods. The setting up of the exhibition aims to stimulate the visitor in the comparison-contrast of the works of the various authors in the expressive and conceptual profile and horizon that they want to bring out. Diversity is a fertile, productive, open ground, capable of looking far away, in comparison.


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