Call for Artists - Master Performing Public Space





During this 1-year Master Performing Public Space, students will be investigating public space as a backdrop for artistic expression, intervention, and research.

Where: Hybrid format – Online & On-Campus. Three intensives a year in Tilburg, The Netherlands

When: September 2024 – August 2025

Deadline for applications: May 31, 2024

Description of Opportunity
In a time in which political and social structures are re-considered heavily, the Master Performing Public Space (PPS) offers a flexible and innovative environment to artistically question, redefine and reclaim public space in its broadest sense. Combining an interdisciplinary range of approaches and subjects, with an equally diverse range of research methods, PPS creates the opportunity for artists to explore their practice and its potential in public space.

What will you learn
The primary goal of the program is to enable students to adopt an independent and critical reflective attitude while inventively switching between different roles in the organizational process of their artistic research. This Master offers its students the necessary tools to perform critically and effectively as artists and researchers, able to navigate complex modes and methods surrounding the contemporary artistic process and result.

- You acquire the skills needed to conduct artistic research.
- You develop well-grounded artistic strategies.
- You gain a stronger awareness of and position in the sociopolitical context.

How to apply
Students in this program will be selected based on the quality of their proposals. Artists must hand in:
- Project plan (explaining what you want to explore, develop and research)*
- Letter of motivation (should include your vision on the value of art in public space)*
- Curriculum Vitae / Résume*
- Portfolio of artistic experience (should include visuals like photos, videos, audio, sketches, reviews)*
- References and/or recommendations

Contact details
Any queries regarding the program may be directed to

1 year
Friday, May 17, 2024 to Friday, May 31, 2024
Master of Arts
Awarded by: 
Fontys University of Applied Sciences