
Country where you live:

City where you live:

Statement : 

It all started in 2019 with the image of a wave, while trying to capture the different “stages” of its beautifully soft movement…
I wanted to condense the whole movement into one image, to challenge the idea that photography can only show an instant, freeze a moment.

Three years later I launched my NFT project.

With this project I expand the images with motion, a feeling of passing time and a sense of our own impermanence.
Its aim is to resonate within and awaken our observation of reality, especially in the daily contests where we tend to lose focus due to habit.

I had been experimenting with the superimposed multiples for a while, mostly on landscapes and objects. When I made this piece I understood I could also use this technique, that had started off as a way to represent movement and time passing, also to preserve anonymity in street photography. I've always been extremely camera shy (working on it since forever with little improvement) and i therefore was very conscious and felt awkward taking pictures of people. This approach made me feel free to start doing just that.



Italian, born in 1969, she lives and works, as a multimedia production manager for communication, in Brussels.
After studying computer graphics and animation at UCLA in California, she worked for over 20 years in the audio-visual sector.
In recent years, she has also been exploring photography, video and animation in personal artistic projects.
Since 2016, her video/animation shorts are regularly shown in international festivals.
In 2023 she started collaborating with Ninfa.io, new path in the Art Nft sector.