charlene galea

Country where you live:

City where you live:

During the last 8years I have been documenting the clubbing culture in places such as London, Barcelona and Malta where I have been living but as well when I travel I always look out for a clubbing adventure. I shoot on 35mm as prefer the intimacy analogue cameras create and the way the people I shoot are more relaxed rather than pose. One of my favourite collection in the clubbing adventures are my journeys to the toilets where, in which ever country I am in I encounter the same routines and rituals performed by the ladies in the bathroom. Even though they see me with the camera thye are always open for that shot which document their conversation away from the noisy club, their natural self reflection looking at the mirror or else the liquid make up top up. Recently I have done an exhbition about clubbing culture called 'Us' and have included some of the images from 'Girls in Toilet' which I would like to present. Simple images but as well a thnak you to all the female bodies which have allowed me into their world whilst relaxing a bit away from the dancefloor in the worldwide toilet. 

'Random meeting', London 2014
'No one else around', Barcelona 2017
'Baby make your move', London 2015
'How long?', Malta 2020
'Refresh and rearrange', Malta 2020
United Kingdom
