Szofi Karolyfi

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Throughout history women has been objectified and mistreated. In the last century things started to change rapidly for the better. This image of being a woman became ever more complex if possible. The focus I’ve had in this project was the female role in the 21st century, my personal dilemma and the consequences in the modern era.

When I think about women, I think about myself and all those emotions around it. Needs, desires, goals, confusion, fear, mistakes and insecurity. Just lately, as I’m getting older having thoughts about being a mother. The older I’m getting the stronger the instinct becomes. I could never image this happen. I know the way I approach this project is quite personal but I intended to paint a picture of a modern women in general with these feelings I’m going through. 

These complexities change the image of the woman we all knew. We’re taking responsibility of our own life, choosing a profession and becoming equal. On the other hand we are still the nurturer. This duality shows on my images. The difficulties we are facing now are new and different. Many of us are taking hormonal pills to prevent unwanted surprises or to help hormonal imbalances. We try to take control over our life but our body is clearly confused. The longer we wait, the bigger the risks. Still we tend to be selfish and repeat the same things, that ‘It’s not the right time now’. So we keep on going. This is what my portrait represents, all those layers behind the female’s mind. All those emotions, roles, expectations and ideas.
Las Vegas
United States
Washington DC
United Kingdom
