mireille pasquer




Ms. Pasquer has a lot to say about every possible subject, from the blade of grass to the war in Iraq. She has little control over her emotions and they play many tricks on her. She spends a lot of time yelling out words she has never heard. She speaks a language as salty as the dead sea, telling stories of people she's never met. She’s rubbed against the bloody, charred spirits of fallen soldiers and burned witches. She never asked for any of this and does her best to consider it a blessing. But in the end, she’s painting to save herself.


Accustomed to Fear

Paired off with Anger

 Negotiating every turn with a Fist

  Excluding all Cells

   Always Alone                                             ©mireillepasquer21

until the thoughts are actually able to expel, there are terrifying moments of anxiety and fear. Color seems to soothe and coax. Lines guide until the process is complete
Something inside me shattered What I might never know But The feeling is now forever.