#Art Online Exhibition


The jury of the ANIMA MUNDI ACADEMIA Art Gallery invites artists to submit applications for personal online exhibitions in the AMA virtual space for 2024.

Submit 12-20 of your creative works created in 2021-2023 with complete information: each file must contain the following information: author, title, size, technique and year of creation.

Please provide the following information:

  • Exhibition author,

  • country,

  • authors cv,

  • exhibition title,

  • concept

The works of the participants of solo exhibitions will be published in the 2024 editions of AMA Art magazine and will be promoted on social media platforms.

Serenity Works - Online Exhibit

International Call for Artists -  Online Exhibits and Publication:

The best in show artist will have their work published with a critical review in our Artist Feature catalogue. Artists participating in our online exhibit will have 2 works of art on display and links to their website and social media. Each online exhibit and Artist Feature catalogue is promoted through our traffic apps. Artists keep 100% sales of their work.

You can apply for online exhibits by emailing the curator at michaelhannafineart@gmail.com.

How to apply:

Email your resume, 3 image samples, and artist website.

We look forward to reviewing your details. 


Beyond Limitations

ANIMA MUNDI ACADEMIA Art Gallery is organizing an international online exhibition entitled: Beyond Limitations.

Researching the impact of environmental spaces on creativity has found that the higher the space up to the ceiling of a building, the more positively it affects the inspirations of the developer. The concept of space is taking on ever new meanings and influencing artistic processes these days, becoming a connecting element and a place where new quality is born and perception expands. The viewer and the listener have the opportunity to engage in the general and very interesting dynamics of the creative process and become an integral part of the process. It is space that opens up new possibilities for interpretation and destroys established standards.


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