
2024 Studio Residency at Sarabande

Become a Sarabande artist!

Sarabande was set up by the late designer, Lee Alexander McQueen, who left the majority of his estate to support creative and visionary talent.

Sarabande supports creatively fearless minds of the future; our aim is to nourish emerging artists on all fronts to ensure they have the means to realise their distinctive visions. Sarabande offers scholarships at leading universities, houses the most affordable artist studios in London and runs a pioneering public programme of events.

Artist Residencies in Key West, FL

The Studios of Key West, the premier arts organization at the Southernmost Point of the United States, offers a residency program for emerging and established artists and writers from around the world. We provide residencies to visual artists, writers, composers, musicians, media artists, performers, and interdisciplinary artists. The Studios of Key West’s mission is to support artists, inspire creativity and build community.

Independent Residency: Leighton Artist Studios - Fall/Winter 2024/25

Leighton Artist Studio residencies are geared to professional artists working on major research-creation projects or new bodies of work. The program is best suited to artists who are self-motivated, focused, and wanting time and space for introspection. The Leighton Artist Studios comprise nine distinct architect-designed studios suitable for individual artists working in the following disciplines: 

Open call for artists: Saari Residence 2025, Finland

Application period: 1–27 March 2024
Saari Residence
Mynämäki, Finland

saariresidence.fi | Instagram | Facebook

The Saari Residence is pleased to announce an Open Call for the 2025 Residency Program. We welcome applications from professional artists for the international Saari Residence in 2025. The residency periods for individual artists are two months long, and the residency includes a work grant in addition to accommodation. Artists groups can apply for group residencies in the summer of 2025.

Call for Project Proposals –PlySpace // Eclipse

Call for Project Proposals –PlySpace // Eclipse

PlySpace, the artist-in-residence program of the Muncie Arts and Culture Council (Munciearts.org), is seeking regional artists with project proposals that can be completed during a short-term residency (two to four weeks) between February 15th and April 9th. Project proposals must center around or be complimentary to the upcoming solar eclipse, which will occur on April 8th, 2024, in Muncie, Indiana. Muncie is a primary viewing location for the eclipse and expects to have over 100,000 visitors during the Eclipse Muncie weekend celebration, from April 5th and April 9th.

The Watermill Center: 2024 International Summer Program

The Watermill Center's longest-standing program, The International Summer Program unites a community of international artists for an annual creative intensive. Since 1992, the Summer Program has provided a unique opportunity for artists to develop new works alongside other emerging and established creative professionals, to forge an international community of collaborators across disciplines, and to push the boundaries of contemporary creative practice. Each July and August, approximately 60-100 artists from over 30 countries gather at Watermill’s Long Island, NY site.


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