Central and Eastern Europe

Postcollapse Art: Art Since 1989

Postcollapse Art: Art Since 1989

We are pleased to invite artists, writers, and scholars to submit work for inclusion in Postcollapse Art: Art Since 1989, an anthology that seeks to explore contemporary art and visual culture since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.

CALL FOR PAPERS for the interdisciplinary conference "Convergences and Divergences. Modernism beyond East and West"

CALL FOR PAPERS – Interdisciplinary conference “Convergences and Divergences. Modernism beyond East and West


Abstract submission deadline – 17.09.2023
Notification of acceptance – 26.09.202
Conference – 16-18.11.2023


The Organizers of the conference call for contributions that critically rethink and analyze the history of European modern architecture with reference to Central and Eastern Europe

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