
ARTIST OPEN CALL with PAID commission

We’re inviting artists of all ages to submit a work as part of a ground-breaking public art initiative; to be reproduced at scale and displayed for millions to see in public spaces across the UK.

Our goal is to build a new and ambitious cultural institution without walls, and to generate a national conversation through art about the important questions of our time. Produced by Artichoke and conceived in collaboration with artist Martin Firrell, this initiative is supported by the Out-of-Home* industry.

Commemorative Site for Enslaved and Exploited People


Davidson College is a liberal arts institution dedicated to cultivating humane instincts and disciplined, creative minds. Our community touchstone is the Reformed Tradition of the Presbyterian Church, a tradition rooted in the belief that all lives are valuable, equal, and deserving of dignity. 

Founded in the American South in 1837, less than thirty years before the Civil War, Davidson College recognizes our participation in slavery and responsibility for the pain and mistreatment of enslaved and exploited people throughout our history. 

ChoreoLab - Made in Ulm

“ChoreoLab – Made in Ulm 2020”. 249 Choreographic Failures.

Call for Artists

Call for artist collaborator with Chloe Dewe Mathews and The Ballad of Peckham Rye 
February – April 2020 (9 hours)  Honorarium: £150 Please note the honorarium is for the initial time required to develop a collaborative proposal.  
The Project 

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