Fiber art in all it's forms!

Fiber Arts: The Renaissance May Call to Art

Florida Emerging Art’s May Call theme is “Fiber Arts: The Renaissance”.

The gallery provides a virtual space for emerging artists and this month is curated by Anna Agee @annacatherineagee.

Fiber arts has recently reemerged in the public consciousness, taking on a new life with artists young and old across the nation. This call to art encourages submissions of many textile arts, from crocheting to machine sewing, garments to soft sculpture— whatever form the inquisitive artist uses as their threaded medium.

Call Summary: All Fiber Arts. We encourage artists without a record in established institutions to contribute.


Heidi Gallery at JSDD is proud to announce the juried group exhibition, Threads.  Established in 2021 as a key component of the state-of-the-art facility of JSDD, the Heidi Gallery is focused on bringing people together to experience art and arts education while fostering a fully inclusive community.


Called "String Theory" – this exhibition will explore the wide range of possibilities within fiber art, including but not limited to weaving, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and felting. We welcome all submissions that showcase the beauty and versatility of fiber as a medium.

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