
Down There

Approximately half of Earth's population has vulvar anatomy. The vulva includes, but is not limited to, the vaginal opening, labia majora, labia minora, urethral opening, mon pubis, and external clitoris. Historically relegated as shameful, dirty, or impure across cultures, bodies with vulvas and/or vaginas have been both misunderstood and insufficiently studied by scientists and doctors for centuries. Down There seeks to lift back imposed veils of stigma and mystery, bringing to the forefront conversations around vulvar anatomy, vocabulary, diversity, emotionality, etc. Visual arts media as well as writing, poetry, performance, and video submissions will all be considered.

Figure It Out

A figurative show which features the many aspects that figures can demonstrate beauty, awareness, our changing world, problem solving, the puzzling universe, etc. HCA invites artists far and wide to submit work in all media including, but not limited to: painting, drawing, multi-media, sculpture, photography, printmaking, art glass, ceramics, fiber art, video. Digital and video artists must supply their own displays. Only original works will be accepted. No giclees or limited edition prints.

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