
CTAO exhibition season 2023-2024

CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium accepts artists submissions to participate in the next exhibition season 2023-2024 featuring three group exhibitions at our CTAO exhibition room in Lavagna, Italy:

Next deadline: 30 November 2023 (flexible)
"Art of Freedom 2" - Group exhibition, free theme
2nd edition of the exhibition cycle and Best Art of Freedom recognition

Accepted artworks: bidimensional, wall installed, including video art; tridimensional with limitations

International participants may consider to avoid shipping costs and let us provide local printing for reproducible artworks and monitors for video artworks.

Primal Disposition II: Dual Dilemma

Heaven/Hell, Yin/Yang, masculine/feminine, positive/negative, light/dark, split identities, God/Devil, fire/ice, earth/water, love/hate, young/old, and following the ancient axiom: "As Above So Shall It Be Below," Primal Disposition II: Dual Dilemma seeks to showcase works of art that deal with the concept of Duality that are are raw, dark, religious, emotive, primitive, earthen, sexual, sensory, confrontational, instinctual.  We are also looking for work that is primal in the materials used: foundational, basic, primary, elemental, and/or not of this world...

We accept works from emerging, mid-career, and/or professional artists. Work should somehow relate to the theme of the show.

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