Radical Feminist Art Exhibition

The Deeply Rooted juried by Sundus Abdul Hadi

Woman Made Gallery is seeking submissions for our April – May, 2022 group exhibition juried by Sundus Abdul Hadi (artist, writer, curator). This exhibition will be held at Woman Made Gallery located at 2150 S. Canalport Ave., Chicago, IL 60608 in the Pilsen neighborhood. 


This curatorial concept is taken from Sundus Abdul Hadi’s book “Take Care of Your Self: The Art and Cultures of Care and Liberation” and seeks artwork in any medium that explores the following:

Womyn's Werq

In Honor of Women’s History Month, WOMYN’S WERQ

An Open Call for an Old School, LGBTQIA-friendly, Radical Feminist Art Exhibition

This exhibition will be a hybrid of both virtual and onsite components. An open call to all who identify as radical feminists for two-dimensional and three-dimensional art works, and short video art pieces serving as visual narratives based on the mantra that the personal is political. What embodies radicalism on an artistic level, is it the artist’s engagement with protest, activism, cultural organizing? Is it the materials used or the content the artist takes up? Show us the manifestations of the work that fueled your survival through the past 4 years and preserved your hope for a brighter future!

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