Artwork Gallery

Artist Interview for publication online or|and in Art Magazine

Publication on Artwork Gallery platform or in our Contemporary Art Magazine

Send us your submission for Artists’ Interview for publication on Artwork Gallery platform or take a chance to get the publication in Artwork Gallery Magazine.

This contemporary art portal will become a source of inspiration, new discoveries, and a place of power for you!

We appreciate artists with a strong concept and unite here both established creators and young ones who have just started their art path, regardless of age.

Theme: Power - International digital exhibition

International digital exhibition. Theme: Power

In this exhibition, we seek to explore what Power is.
Is it a physical meaning, or is strength something internal?
Does being strong mean having an advantage over someone and being the first, or is it about willpower when a person has almighty patience and goes step by step to his goal?
Does power have gender, man’s superiority over nature, or do time and age affect power?

Everyone has their own truth. Let’s think about the meaning of power and show our own vision in this exhibition!

What types of art can be submitted for submission?

Publication in art magazine issue 1, theme: Woman Faces

What we are looking for:
We strive to share with the world the works of extraordinary Ukrainian women artists, so this March edition will feature only women! The magazine will publish 3 interviews and the works of 20 selected women.

The theme of artworks for submission is open. The magazine is dedicated to women's creativity and we strive to show the diversity of women's art!

If you have a series with a strong concept with a series or project, or already have a recognizable style over the years, please submit your work!

Discourse of War

DEADLINE: February 15th 2023

Our team seeks to consider the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and around the world.

Write how your attitude to art has changed during this year. Has the vector of your creativity changed, your attitude to the language of art in connection with these events.

We want to see works that depict you in connection with the war (this can be not only works on war topics, but also your personal way in art).

We accept entries that have been created since February 24, 2022

What types of art can be submitted for submission?


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