Midsummer Gallery

Someone Said The Sky Was A Canvas

We invite applications from artists whose primary focus is painting, drawing, printmaking, and mixed media.

We have room for a total of fifteen artworks per showcase.

If a sale occurs, the artist retains full ownership of the profits generated from the sale of their artwork. They are expected to engage directly with the buyer to handle payment, framing, shipping, and related matters. We will help with sales at the artist's discretion.

Our exhibition is an inclusive platform open to artists from across the world, whether they are amateurs or seasoned professionals.

Copyright: All rights to the images will remain with the respective artists.

*This exhibition is exclusively available online.

Deadline to apply: December 22, 2023

Overworld: Photography and New Media

For our inaugural exhibition at Midsummer, we extend a global invitation to artists, welcoming submissions of photographs and new media pieces that revolve around the themes of landscape and nature.

We have room for a total of fifteen artworks per showcase.

If a sale occurs, the artist retains full ownership of the profits generated from the sale of their artwork. They are expected to engage directly with the buyer to handle payment, framing, shipping, and related matters. We will help with sales at the artist's discretion.

We will also supply a press release and a checklist for each exhibition.

Our exhibition is an inclusive platform open to photographers from across the world, whether they are amateurs or seasoned professionals.

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