Studio Azzurro Ricerca - STRIAZ

Terre da Film Festival IV edition - CORPO SAPIENS (Tales from the body)


Terre da Film is a place where people meet up to live an experience through cinema, art and more. Every summer artists, filmmakers, poets, activists and artisans live for a few days in the town of Canelli (AT) to create a unique temporary community that merges with those already existing on site.

Terre da Film Festival promoter is the Cultural Association Studio Azzurro ricerca - STRIAZ.


CORPO SAPIENS - Tales from the body

The body is our primary means of expression and communication. Through the memory, every body collects its past and tells its own story. Each body narrates a tale.

"No words are so clear as the language of body expression once one has learned to read it" ALEXANDER LOWEN

ARCADIA - workshop and residency

Un workshop residenziale all’interno del Parco di Roccamonfina per sperimentare il mondo da un altro punto di vista, quello animale. A partire dalla creazione di una maschera alleata, ogni partecipante del workshop cercherà di dar forma al suo volto animale. Questa maschera sarà il punto di partenza per un percorso settimanale, attraverso il quale cercheremo di calarci nel bosco e
diventare tutt’uno con esso. Grazie alla guida di DEM e Teatro Selvatico proveremo a dar luogo a una metamorfosi e scavare nei nostri strati più profondi per riconoscere e far emergere il nostro animale interiore.

Conca Film Festival - Call For Short Film

Conca Film Festival Conca Film Festival is a cultural event that aims to promote emerging artists through a dialogue with the territory of the Roccamonfina Regional Park.

The theme that the artistic direction has chosen for the first edition of the Conca Film Festival is:


Describing and telling metamorphosis means to look at the continuous flow of different shapes in which living beings change each time.
Seeds become plants and then flowers, stones crumble and become wandering grains, going through the innumerable forms that everyone passes from the moment of its birth until the end of its life.

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