
Guest Room: Michael Famighetti

Der Greif has invited Michael Famighetti, editor in chief of Aperture magazine and the editorial program, to curate a Guest Room. Michael Famighetti crafted the following theme for your submissions: “SUPER SIGHT”.


NEOTERIC ABSTRACT XII This call is for a thematic exhibition dedicated to abstract art. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery, April 4 - 27th, 2024 and is open to all forms of abstraction, from the geometric to the lyrical, from the precise to the raw. The entry deadline is January 31, 2024.
The entry form is online at:  http://www.slowart.com/prospectus/abstract.htm

Call for art competition: International art competition. Community Art Channel

Theme: Abstract.

The theme that we propose in this call for competition, is open to the expression of your creativity through the manifestation of abstract art.

Media: Painting, drawing, graphic, digital art, photography.

NYC4PA Call for Entry - ABSTRACT

Have a look at photography from when it first became a medium for creating images and you will find portraits as well as still life, street scenes, architecture etc.  They were all accurate depictions of the subject matter. As photography evolved it ultimately became what it is today; an all encompassing art form, generated by camera and lens, and producing a vast sampling of imagery from reality to less recognizable abstracts.

Gallery 44 Open Call: Hue:


HUE. Open Call Group Exhibition


Gallery Ring ABSTRACT Online Juried Art Exhibition

Gallery Ring announces a contest devoted to Abstract works of art.  The work must be  completely non-representational. 

The fee is $20 US for 1-3 pieces.  The deadline to submit work is Tuesday, April 25th 2023.


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