Artist call

Reflections: How Does It Feel?


In partnership with LA River Arts, we are putting together a zine and performance on the topics of ecology, social justice, and climate change. We are looking for Southern California-based community members to take part in this paid project by contributing art, music, writing, poetry, theater, stories, etc. Please submit and share!

More Info:

Submission form:

Superfine Seattle 2023

Sell Art + Meet Your Next Collector at Superfine Art Fair in Seattle July 27-30

Colorful, creative, and accessible, Superfine Art Fair returns to the Pacific Northwest with 2000+ high quality artworks from 70 in-person artists, thoughtfully curated and approachably priced from $50 to $5000. 

“Superfine has been a life-changing experience that accelerated my career and created so many new relationships with artists, collectors, curators, galleries and journalists that I still benefit from to this day.”

– Sean Christopher Ward | Superfine SF, NY, DC

Reserve our most popular 12 foot wide booth before they sell out!

“Shifting Perspectives on Trauma” Art Exhibition


The Perception Project is a Los Angeles based art-for-healing non-profit organization devoted to providing survivors of trauma (muses) with services that take on creative forms as expressive outlets and serve the local community. Between an artist/survivor collaboration, the muse provides a personal story, and the artist creates a masterpiece showcasing the muse's strength and inner beauty. These works are showcased through public art exhibitions designed to promote mental-health awareness, then gifted to the muses as a symbol of their strength. 



About the Project:

The volunteer artist will


This open call is seeking photographers exploring the joys of the summer months. We want you to send in a portfolio of your work, up to six images. These images can be themed around travel, landscape, cityscape, portraiture, nature or cultural - essentially a documentation of life throughout the summer.

This is an opportunity for both amateur and professional photographers to share their work and style through the platform of murze, all photography submitted will be featured across our website throughout the summer months, celebrating the medium of photography and capturing diversity and beauty through the lens of photographers from all around the globe.

Images submitted must be at least 300 DPI

Non refundable admission fee of £8

Assemblage International Artist Call

Our latest artist call is seeking artists that embrace the use of found objects in their work. Artwork entered to this open call should demonstrate the use found and reclaimed material, creating objects of beauty out of what could be considered junk.

[Assemblage. and Found. Objects. Assemblage is an artistic process in which a three-‐dimensional composition is made from putting together found objects. Assemblage, like collage, creates meaning through the association of juxtaposed objects.]

Artist Call – Workshops for Children and Families

Oriel Davies is seeking creative practitioners with a background in participatory practice to deliver a programme of workshops for children and families in Oriel Davies’ pop-up project and event space The Kitchen.

We are looking for up to 6 artists to run workshops and activities that take inspiration from The Kitchen, both the project space and all things relating to the domestic setting.  In addition, there are four Big Draw workshops, which should be based on the 2017 festival theme – Living Lines.


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