artist open call


Open Call for Solo Exhibition Programme! 

We're excited to invite you to apply for our Solo Exhibition Programme, where all participating artists will have the opportunity to showcase their artwork in a dedicated online space.

Programme Highlights:

ARTIST OPEN CALL - «COLORS» International Online Exhibition

Calling all Artists, Designers, and Color Enthusiasts,

We are delighted to announce an open call for submissions that celebrates the kaleidoscope of colors that shape our world. Whether you work in traditional mediums, digital art, photography, or any other form of visual expression, we invite you to explore and showcase the power and beauty of colors in your creative work.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | Al-Tiba9 Artist Directory 2023

Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art is a leading international platform in the contemporary art world, facilitating print and digital distribution of featured artists in our magazine, art books, web, and social media presence, and through our participation in art fairs in Spain and Portugal.

Our artist page directory will serve as a development space for new and emerging talent as well as facilitate professional connections and collaborations across our extensive network of galleries, museums, art collectors and dealers, art professionals, and academics across the globe.

Artist Open Call: The Royal Society of Marine Artists Annual Exhibition

#ArtistOpportunity: The Royal Society of Marine Artists call for entries is now open! For a chance to be a part of the RSMA Annual Exhibition and show your work at Mall Galleries this September. There’s over £10,000 worth of prizes & award to win!

Submission deadline: Friday 28 July 2023, 12 noon

Learn about the opportunity and submit your work here:

Useful information regarding this Open Call:

Any Artist over 18 may submit


Athens Month Of Art - Open Call

“Athens Month or Art” is a new arts festival that will take place throughout the month of October at Studio 747 in Athens, Greece.

The Gallery space is a 120sqm, high ceilinged, white walled, bright arts space in the centre of Down town Athens.

The festival will consist of 4 - 1 week group shows with 6 - 8 artists both national and international all exhibiting works side by side in the space. Each artist will be allocated 3m x 2.5m wall space and 1m linear floor space. 

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