black trans artists

Age of the Bimbo

Woman Made Gallery is seeking submissions for our July - September, 2022 group exhibition juried by melissa mursch-rodriguez (she/her) (artist, curator, and founder of Moody Zine). This exhibition will be held at Woman Made Gallery located at 2150 S. Canalport Ave., Chicago, IL 60608 in the Pilsen neighborhood. 


Woman Made Gallery seeks artworks in any medium that celebrates the bimbo -- exploring hyper-femininity as a tool for empowerment and putting self-pleasure first.

Art for Black Lives Artist Residency

Mission — 

To create an environment conducive to creativity, productivity and community for emerging Black Trans visual artists via one-month funded residencies in Palm Springs, California. To help foster an ethos of accessibility and support for Black Trans folks in Palm Springs, a place with a rich LGBTQ+ history and culture. 

The Specifics — 

The residency is open to Black Trans visual artists working in any medium. 

Recipients of the A4BL Residency will be provided:

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