
Draw to Perform Residency for Drawing Performance, May 2019

The Draw to Perform residency program for Drawing Performance practice

When: 27 April – 11 May 2019 (15 days)

Where: Copperdollar Studios, Brighton, UK

Extended Application Deadline: Sunday 10 February 2019


Draw to Perform - Day of Alternative Drawing Workshops

The upcoming family workshop day by Draw to Perform will include four bookable workshops about drawing, provided by acclaimed artists and performers. The workshops will explore alternative ways to make marks, draw and express. These workshops will present different strategies for forming a dialogue between drawing, sound, movement, process and performance. Participants will draw live, share and discuss their outcomes and ideas. All workshops will target different groups and issues in contemporary drawing and will allow the general public the opportunity to experience an art form a first hand, work with and be tutored by some of the leading artists in their field.

Sun 2 Dec 2018, 10:00-18:00 - Schedule:

Workshop 1 (10:00-11:30) with Ram Samocha

The John Busby Seabird Drawing Course Bursaries 2019

The SWLA offers three bursaries for places on The John Busby Seabird Drawing Course 2019. The next week long course is to be held in June 2019 at seabird colonies around Dunbar and the Firth of Forth.

Course leaders Darren Woodhead SWLA, Greg Poole SWLA & Kittie Jones  SWLA along with a guest tutor will be on hand to offer advice and guidance on drawing and painting in the field. This is a fantastic opportunity to work alongside around 20 established and enthusiastic artists and get an insight into the diverse approaches that those artists have to working in the field.

What the bursary provides: 

The current bursary is £550 per person, divided as follows;

Course fee (£375). The course fee will be paid directly by SWLA.

The Rome Scholarship (RBA)

A prestigious scholarship awarded to a young or newly graduated artist, which will offer an enriching learning experience as well as improving their profile as an emerging artist

The Royal Society of British Artists is able to offer this major scholarship as a result of a generous bequest from the late Mr G H Benn in memory of his late wife Marianne Von Werther, a former member of the RBA.

This competition is open to artists who live, work or study in the UK and who are aged 35 years or under and the Scholarship is for the month of September 2019

The Award offers:

Four weeks at Sala Uno, a highly prestigious gallery and international arts centre in the heart of Rome

The Pastel Society

The Pastel Society seeks the best in contemporary dry media, combining traditional skills with creative originality

Artists are invited to submit works for exhibition alongside members of The Pastel Society at their 120th Annual Exhibition 2019.

Sponsored by Derwent

The exhibition includes several prizes and awards, open to all participating artists

Derwent Award - £1,000 worth of products

Alfred Teddy Smith and Zsuzsi Roboz Prize - A major award of £5,000, bequeathed by distinguished member of The Pastel Society, Zsuzsi Roboz (1939-2012), presented to a young artist, aged 35 or under, for traditional skills used in an original way. Pastels, oil pastels, charcoal, pencil, conte, sanguine, or any dry media are all acceptable.

D2P OPEN CALL - Residency program for Drawing Performance practice

D2P OPEN CALL - The Draw to Perform residency program for Drawing Performance practice.

Deadline for entries – Thursday 30 August 2018 11:00am

Residency: 6-20 October 2018 #drawtoperform




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