TMA Contemporary 2022 | Appleton, WI

Northeast Wisconsin’s top competitive, juried fine arts exhibition returns and is accepting applications! TMA Contemporary is a juried exhibit featuring work from Wisconsin’s most talented visual artists. The exhibition will span all three floors of the museum with past years having featured a range of mediums including sculpture, photography, drawing, painting, fiber, film, and more. The exhibition will feature approximately 100 Wisconsin artists.

Any Wisconsin artist working in any medium is invited to apply. Established and emerging artists welcome.

Formerly titled the SECURA Fine Arts Exhibition.


STIFF film festival and Gallery SKC are looking for the most creative GIF films/animations to be featured in the special exhibition during 6th STIFF film festival Rijeka, Croatia.


The theme of the 6th edition of STIFF film festival is Fear. Through its film program, discussions, exhibitions, workshops and masterclasses the festival will discuss the causes and consequences of the culture of fear in Europe and in the world. It will focus on methods of resistance and struggle against fear and oppression with emphasis on cinema and art. We focus on works addressing this theme in a broad sense so be free to apply regardless.

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