
$acred Motherhood

$acred Motherhood | Exhibition Dates: January 18–February 15, 2025

Guest Room: Tina Campt & Keisha Scarville

Guest Room aims to spark collaboration. Black feminist theorist of visual culture and contemporary art Tina Campt, who is a Professor of Humanities at Princeton University, has decided to join forces with photo-based artist Keisha Scarville.

To guide your submissions for this Guest Room, they have developed the following framework: "Poetics of Darkness."

Down There

Approximately half of Earth's population has vulvar anatomy. The vulva includes, but is not limited to, the vaginal opening, labia majora, labia minora, urethral opening, mon pubis, and external clitoris. Historically relegated as shameful, dirty, or impure across cultures, bodies with vulvas and/or vaginas have been both misunderstood and insufficiently studied by scientists and doctors for centuries. Down There seeks to lift back imposed veils of stigma and mystery, bringing to the forefront conversations around vulvar anatomy, vocabulary, diversity, emotionality, etc. Visual arts media as well as writing, poetry, performance, and video submissions will all be considered.

Expressions of Gender Equity and feminism

Call for art competition: International art competition. Community Art Channel

Theme: Expressions of Gender Equity and feminism


At the Community Art Channel, we believe in building an equitable and inclusive world, this means facing several challenges.

The changing nature of gender structures suggests that it's more useful to understand the situation of boys and girls, women and men, in social terms rather than biological.

Gender is about the social and cultural expectations and conditions of being a boy/girl, women/men in a specific society at a specific point of time.

A Celebration of Femininity

Womankind is seeking two- and three-dimensional artwork (photography, sculpture, bust, costumes, et al) celebrating the female form and femininity. These interpretive works will be displayed at The Studios of Key West, the premier arts organization in the Florida Keys, throughout the month of October, when women’s health issues are foremost on our minds.

Womankind, a non-profit medical and wellness center in Key West, has organized successful fundraising events each October. Proceeds from these events provide direct health care services to Keys’ women, including many uninsured, on an individualized cost basis.

Sales from this exhibition will be split between the artist, The Studios and Womankind. Image by Eric Anfinson

Call to Artists: Collage & Illustration – The Awakening

A four-week, virtual/online residency with Kolaj Institute in October 2022
Deadline to apply: Sunday, August 28, 2022

During this project-driven residency, artists will collectively produce a series of collages that illustrate Kate Chopin’s 1899 novel, The Awakening. As a group, artists will analyze the story, discuss themes, uncover symbols, ask questions, and visually interpret the text for a 21st century audience. 


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