
Freelance Art Handler Submissions

Looking for freelance art handlers to join an international network of collections care contractors.  Free to join. We supply the work.

We require contractors to have the following

  1. 3 references to be checked
  2. An online resume (LinkedIn/website/equivalent)
  3. General iability insurance
  4. Ability to take credit cards (Stripe or Paypal account)

We can happily help acquire these as well.

Open Calls for ATF Animation Pitch, Formats Pitch & Chinese Pitch & SAFF Project Market 2020!

The Asia TV Forum & Market is accepting projects for pitching sessions and project market; The ATF Chinese Pitch (deadline: September 28th), ATF Animation Pitch, ATF Formats Pitch ; and the SAFF Project Market (deadline: September 30th), all pitches will be conducted virtually this year.

Animation Pitch is for individuals, students and small to medium sized companies with new & innovative concepts in animation, targeting kids.

Formats Pitch is for creators and producers of new and original, unscripted (non-fiction) entertainment formats. This is a platform to flaunt the best of Asia and expose ideas for development and export within the region, and the world.

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