Literature Arts

Emerging Writers Residency 2022


This workshop-based program focuses on providing structured support for new Young Adult (YA) & Children’s Literature writers wanting to improve their writing skills. Two faculty work closely with 7 participants each, offering new writers the opportunity to work on a portion of a manuscript in a workshop setting with editorial faculty.

The program will help writers build their critical vocabulary, making them better critics of their own and others’ work. Participants will also learn more about the craft of writing, and about the conventions and possibilities for innovation in YA and Children’s Literature.

What does the program offer?

Poetry, Politics, and Embodiment 2021 Online | Literary Arts Fall Thematic


If, as is understood by the faculty, much of the anxiety about contemporary poetry can be described as an identity crisis — if it is a struggle between the old and the new cast as one having to do with voice, theme, and tradition — then who can inherit the future of poetry is cut along gendered and racialized lines.

We begin from the supposition that poetry is a radical refutation of the world-as-it-is, and as such, is and has been the province of minoritized peoples.

We will think together about poetry as a vehicle of liberation and protest; about subjectivity and embodiment as poetry’s context; and about how race, gender, class, sexuality, and ability pressurize aesthetic categories.

Luminous Expression

“An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one.” Charles Cooley


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