
HOWL. The Art of Dogs International Art and Photography Exhibition

Submit your art and photography of dogs, canines of any sort are welcome. We love seeing everyone's best friend in art of all sorts! 

Pet dogs, wild dogs, dingos, maned wolves, wolves in general, foxes, and similar are welcome. 2D and 3D artwork and photography desired.

All entries must include an animal and must be the original artwork of the submitting artist.

At Large, Animals on the Loose

Submit your art and photography of animals on the loose, in the wild, unleashed, outdoors, in the water or the sky! 2D and 3D artwork and photography desired.

For this exhibition, submit your best animal art and photography work that shows us the spirit and idea of being free, uncaged, on the loose, and at large. Animals can be wild, feral, domestic, or anything in between. 

All entries must be the original artwork of the submitting artist. Artwork must not have been accepted to one of our previous shows. 

Quick note: We are replacing "Special Merit Awards" with "Finalists" to more accurately describe the caliber of artwork in that category. We are repeatedly floored by the quality of entries received and wish to honor our artists appropriately.

HOWL, the Art of dogs

HOWL. We love dogs and so do you! Show us your best art and photography including dogs. These can be pet portraits, wild dogs, wolves, foxes, action shots, abstract digital works, sculptures of Humanity's Best Friends!

We are looking for 2D and 3D artwork and photography that falls into a variety of art style and genre categories: Abstraction, Surrealism, Realism, Pop Art, Expressionism, Assemblage, and more!

This call for art is open to all international artists age 18 or over and working in any medium (except video and sound art). 

Categories include: 

  • Digital Art (includes digitally manipulated photographs)

  • Drawing and Pastels

  • Mixed Media

  • Painting

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