
Open Call :: Color in the Water 10 | Heterotopia: City, Landscape, Human

The initiative for the promotion of contemporary watercolor “Color in Water” invites painters to submit their artworks to  in participating in the 10th international exhibition themed “Heterotopia: city, landscape, human.”

The exhibition will take place in an established art gallery in Athens in physical form, while it will also be available internationally online through the ARTgrID platform. The official languages of the exhibition are Greek and English, and a commemorative catalog –a digital book in both languages– will be published.

CiW 9: Epoché

International Open Call for entries addressed to visual artists for their participation in a curated  exhibition of contemporary watercolor art organized in Athens. The exhibition is part of the COLOR IN WATER (CiW) series of events to promote artists using these media of expression, and will include artists from around the world showcasing the potential of the medium today. 

The official languages ​​of the exhibition are Greek and English, and a commemorative catalog-book will be issued in digital format in both languages. The exhibition will also be available internationally online through the ARTgrID platform.

WASH Open Watercolor Show, "Go with the Flow 2019"

WASH-Watercolor Artists of Sacramento Horizons announces a call to all artists for an online art competition, “Go with the Flow 2020” August 25 – October 25. Juror: Dale Laitinen NWS WW

WASH cordially invites all watercolor artists to enter our annual juried International Open Show, now ONLINE ONLY due to California gallery restrictions at this time. Accepted work: original paintings using water-based medium, either transparent or opaque, is acceptable. These include: transparent watercolor, tempera, casein, gouache, watercolor inks and acrylic (no impasto). For complete show rules see prospectus.

Please note extended deadline date 8/13/20 and special pricing: $25 first entry, $10 2nd & 3rd entries, 4th entry for $4

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